Quality Control
Quality is Vasco’s highest priority. Therefore all factories need to follow Vasco’s strict quality regulations. Besides the certification process, Vasco’s two-step quality control system is applied for each and every order.
As soon as an order is confirmed and production has started, Vasco’s professional Quality Control staff will be sent to the factory. The first production outcome is regularly checked, especially the surface quality. Samples are taken home to the Vasco Laboratory. A second sample is tested at the production facilities, and if both tests are within the required quality, production continues. If any irregularities are found, the cause will be investigated and corrected. A continuous checking of the surface quality as well as the packing and loading is mandatory and guaranteed by Vasco’s Quality Control system.
All noticeable problems will be reported and provided to the client, including a detailed list and photos. Vasco supplies a testing report/technical data sheet for all products.
Due to Vasco’s two-step Quality Control system and its own Quality Control staff, highest quality standards can be guaranteed for all products. An analysis of two independent laboratories is an outstanding service in the industry.